Saturday, March 01, 2008
Turning 39
Well I reached another birthday, yes folks I'm now 39...... feels no different to 38 mind you so all you Young one's not yet there don't worry you don't turn green or bald over night.
Listening to Chris Evans on Radio 2 the other evening he was talking about the 80's more specifically TV show 'fame' and listening to 'Star Maker' well if you want to well up and cry buckets then this is the song for you. Although I did not actually cry it did bring back many memories and has triggered something in my dark grey matter, so at the moment I am back in the 70's and 80's and will be sharing some TV shows, music and other things from that era over the coming weeks that I loved and grew up with.
Okay back to 'fame' ran from 1982-1987 the show was based on the movie with the same name. that tells the stories of the students and faculty at the "New York City High School for the Performing Arts." I was not a huge fan by any means and probably didn't watch many episodes but growing up as a teenager this was the big hit of the 80's and all the girls wearing leg warmers yes that's where it came from. And this being the culprit for my 80's re visit.
More later....
Thursday, February 21, 2008
BT update.......
Friday, February 15, 2008
What standard of service levels would you expect?
The BT (British Telecom for those not from our shores) saga continues. Decided that I needed to ring them to chase up progress as the two engineers who came out last week said 2-7 days and it will be all sorted. Bless them they done a sterling job, marked up the road, fitted the junction box to the house, fitted the internal box for my phone to plug into all ready for the other team to lay a new telephone line from the box to the house, here's where it all goes wrong AGAIN!.
Spoke to a lovely lady (Lorraine) at BT who advised me that she would would look into and call me back, promptly she did only to be a bit bemused, I asked her what the problem was, to be told that due to the technicality of the phone problem it will not be completed until 3rd April.
Big pause..... Excuse me, I say, 3rd of April but it's only 14th February?
I then precede in telling Lorraine at BT the whole saga; well you have to do these things each and every time so they understand that I have been without a phone service since Friday 11th January. Also the two Engineers and what they have done and what the solution will be. Simple really, they cannot locate the junction out in the road so rather than dig three holes they have opted to install a brand new line, job done, simple!
No say BT Openreach "firstly the Engineers should not discuss jobs with customers and secondly it's a very technical fault that is why it will take so long". Hmm question BT Openreach do you actually talk with your engineers? If so you would know that the Surveyor/Engineer decided to lay a new line rather than waste man power digging up lots of holes to locate the junction, 50% of the job is already complete.
So come on BT and BT Openreach this is getting a little silly now I just want my little white phone to start talking again it can't be that hard now can it!! (Idiots)
And that's why people you should think again why NOT to return to BT. unless you fancy a bit of really bad service.
I wish Virgin Media were here, 15 years of faultless cable and fibre optics.
Monday, February 11, 2008
BT or no BT that's the question
This weekend proved to be fantastic, played golf with a load of freinds on Saturday morning, glorious sunshine and my game was pretty good as well, even though I have not played since last summer. I want to play again now!! oh dear id 'J' about to become a golfing widow!?!?!?
MSM is currently over in spain with her Gran & Gramps for the week, although it look like we could have the better weather, not checked yet but normally if we have it good they have it bad!
I joined face book, I know I'm mad, however it's not for pleaseure I assure you, I have clients who are getting fed up of paying google thousands of pounds each month to generate business and so I am looking in to alternative ways of marketing, read in the Sunday Times recently that this type of thing is the new way to generate business, and who argues with the sunday times.
Oh, went out exploring yesterday around the street only to find a little alley way that takes us out on to the common and all you can see for miles are fields & hills how excited was I less than a two minute walk and I was out in the wilds of South Wales. Love it, so much so I ran back grabed my mountain bike and went off for an hour up hills over mud fields generally making a fool of myself. Who cares!!
I'll post some pics up soon I promise.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
BT Saga continues
Morale dilemma. Before we moved we sold our nearly new wadrobes to our old next door neighbour, me not being a pushy gitt told her to pay me next week (14th December 07) well it's now 2nd Feb 08 and still no dosh. What do I do? continue to call her weekly until I get the money or go through the small claims court? any ideas.
Last Saturday Justine and I went out looking for floor tiles and came back in a shiny new car... eh did I type that right.. Yup went out for tiles came home with a new car. Justine had a Deawoo Matiz as a little rub around but where we now live we have to drive down the motorway which as you can imagine is not much fun in a 998cc Matiz, so we bought a Citroen C2 Furio, nice little sporty number 1.4i. the next bit is for you petrol heads:
The Citroen C2 model range lies within the price bracket of £8,280 - £12,285. The C2 has been awarded a four star NCAP crash test rating by the European New Car Assessment Programme out of a possible five stars. Based on this NCAP rating the C2 fairs fairly well in an accident having been given a high result. Citroen C2 insurance groups start at group 1 and rise to group 8. Base models are (group 1 and 2 cars are the cheapest to insure) very cheap to insure, whilst the higher specification cars are below average to insure.
0 - 62 mph 12.2 seconds - (Man)

Have a good weekend people...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Hey it's 2008 already.......
BT on the other hand, well lets just say they must be the WORST telecommunication company in the world, I have been without a telephone for over two weeks now with no sign of it being repaired.
Controversial….. well this year I think a little discussions on what is getting to me will go down well, yes you will get to read topics that I’m sure you will feel compelled to respond too (I hope so anyway.)
So 2008 what’s happened so far even though we are ¾ of the way through January lots has happened mostly bad so not sure how 08 is going to pan out.
1/ Telephone busted.
2/ went off line for 10 days due to 1&1 Hosting (Long story very stressful)
3/ Broadband becomes intermittent due to telephone issues.
4/ Gave up smoking (3 days in).
Ah that’s a good topic, giving up smoking, after many years fagging it I decided last week that enough was enough, I was not enjoying it anymore and Justine had given up a few months ago and was doing extremely well. So I got my trusty Allen Carr’s Easy Way back out and started reading, the last time I gave up was a few years ago using his method and managed it for nine months, until I gave in to self pity and alcohol another story not for here.
So my last cigarette was Tuesday 22nd January now I could put a counter up to show how many days in I am but to be honest I’m a non smoker and I don’t want to be reminded that I used to smoke, for some unknown reason I am really not interested in smoking, yes I had two days of hell, well withdrawal pangs at certain key times of the day but by yesterday they had diminished to the odd thought then the counter thought of the taste, smell and the shity feeling I get after a cigarette which was why I wanted to quit in the first place.
My work colleagues are well impressed so much so that the late Allen Carr’s estate is getting a boost with a few more sales of his great book. If you have had enough of those sticks and don’t want to get addicted to gum or any other replacement then this book is for you. It works, it’s painless, not addictive, and cheap and well it’s bloody easy.
Anyway a busy Saturday planned today so I must get up shower, young Toby (our dog) is due at the groomers back in Barry at 10am and Megan is going to friends later for a sleep over so busy day in store at least for the first half of the day.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Latest musings here in taff land
Thought: If I died tomorrow what would happen to the world and work. Well the world would continue to rotate and life would continue pretty much as it is today and work, well that would continue they would get some sad bastard to carry on what I was doing and that would continue as well. So why do we work so damn hard get stressed only to see our maker a lot quicker. Well that is the big question and one which I am about to change. You see moving house is not just having new surroundings but for me is a chance to change my priorities in life, work well that will be my 2nd thing in life, living will be my first.
It's time to get out more, walk the hills start a new hobby and well just experience more. You see my dream from leaving school was to have a nice house and a nice car and be happy. Well 2007 has brought me a nice new car and touch wood a nice new home which is exactly what I set out to do all those years ago. Not bad 20 years to get there.
Now it's time to set new goals ones that don't involve work and money and all things that grind you down, my new set of goals are going to be helping those less fortunate, travel, meet new people. how am I going to ac hive this I don't know it's new to me and very exciting.
So sorry for not blogging this year but that's about to change in 2008, and Dan you can un cross your link to me from January 2008 as I'll be back.....
So for the moment it's good bye until we meet in a little welsh town called Pencoed Nr Bridgend where my new life begins (As long as BT get's me broadband sorted in time).