The office has been quiet, KW left for NY on Tuesday and yes I did get the picture and here it is KW taking a pic on his phone of the camera to show us when he gets back nest week.

My friend has been away all week which I hope has helped them and that they are now working towards a brighter future together, me well I was always on the outside so nothing more to say on this. Although I'm still ashamed of what I did and I'm not sure if 'D' will ever speak to me again, next week will tell. But I wouldn't blame her one bit if she ignored me.
Went out last Saturday to Tiger Tiger and that was good, just getting out and meeting different people was great had a few glasses of red wine but stayed sober, met some great people and had a laugh, I noticed that some of my personal items at home had be gone through but didn't mention it, 'J' mentioned on Sunday that she had a good look around as she does not trust me and was jealous of my Saturday night out she admitted that if I had left my phone at home she would have gone through that as well. Sorry love to disappoint, but I will be going out again and will meet even more people.
How I'm feeling right now, well better than I was last week, although I would love to go out again for a drink but I better not don't want to upset the apple cart.
Meg's was sent home ill from school yesterday so I left work at 11.30am and had to work from home whilst trying to care for an 8 year old with a temperature of '102' she was great though very little complaining, although she did ask this morning if I could work at home rather than go to the office but explained that her grampy was coming and that was enough. OK daddy shall I pack your bag for you? he he. kids eh!
Tonight she asked to spend quality time with me tomorrow, I asked what she meant and the response was going to a coffee shop for a drink and a chat, she has been watching far too much TV.
Anyway, that's enough from sad old me talking to myself. Cheer up son it'll never happen ;)