Episode 2.
Got up nice and early and took some garden waste to the local dump, this being a different story that I may tag on to the end of the flat tyre saga.
Anyway all of us piled in to my car and we headed down to
Evans Halshaw in
sloper road
Cardiff (Just check out their customer service page). who are now the main dealers. We enter the show room and and head for the parts and service department, young girl at the desk I start talking telling her all about last nights flat tyre and that the car is stuck in a
multi storey and we need the correct fitment to undo the locking nuts.
She looked blank at me, I showed her the little box with only one fitment present and explained that this is what was given to us 18
mths ago when we bought the car, again she looked at me with dull eyes and a blank
expression. My patience now near it's end I look at her right in the eyes and said "I NEED THREE MORE OF THESE TO UNDO MY LOCKING NUTS" she then
proceeded to ring the parts department and talk to a chap about the problem, she looked at me and said sorry we don't have them and cannot get them either. But if you bring the car in we will drill them out for you.
Wrong answer, I stood in the showroom which now had a fair few customers looking at cars and said okay, how do you propose to get my car out of the
multi storey car park with a flat tyre and bring it over to you. Her reply, I notice from our records your car is due for a service, shall I book it in now while your here.
Okay I think your getting the
gist of this, in a nut shell they wanted me to bring the car to them and the cost would be as follows:
£65 per hour labour. (x2 hours)
£30 + VAT for a new set of locking nuts
£55+ VAT for each tyre (We need 2)
Well lets just say I'll be having words with a friend of mine that is quite high up in the
Pendragon group who own
Evans Halshaw, and guess what I didn't even use that to get better service.
Evans Halshaw you have by far the worst customer service I have ever seen and beating Renault Cardiff by a long way, and if you ever ask to be on my national approved garage network I'll give you service that you deserve, oh and your application on my desk well Monday it will be in the shredder.
Anyway what next, well I rang my good fre
ind Wayne to ask his advice but no answer umm
then looked in front of me and who should be in the car in front but Wayne (How spooky is that), anyway we have a chat and he suggests getting a chi
sle and giving it a few taps to see if that loosens it but go to
Halfords and pick up the
self healing and inflation stuff and bring it round later and I'll have a look, cheers mate that sounds good.
Get to hal
fords buy the stuff to do a temporary repair and pick up a new set of wheel locking nuts. Cost so far £40 Get to the mult
i storey and apply this stuff, 10 mins
later I'm off driving 'J' car no more than 30mph heading for home. As I get in the house Wayne's on the phone ready to come over mate? oh yeah lets go.
Arrive at his house and he looks at me and says can you take a look at my
new laptop in a bit I can't get it to work properly, "My pleasure" so he brings out the chis
le and a hammer and hits the nut TWICE and wey
hey it comes off. He then looks at me and says shall I do the rest? knock yourself out mate, so off he goes around the car knocking off all the nuts and replacing them with my new set.
I then grab his laptop and say see you in a bit, I drive down the local tyre company and get two new tyres and tracking done at a cost of £75 INC VAT. Umm I
thinks I have just made a huge saving by trading talents Wayne knows all there is to know about cars and I know very little about computers.... Oh and I fix his laptop problem and bung on a few programmes that he would love, saying no more but you need these to do Spreadsheets and typing letters get my drift. Then jump in the 'J's' now spiffing car and deliver his pride and joy.
Both parties extre
mley happy just by trading knowledge. Now that's more fun than parting with lots of cash. So £115 Inc VAT to get a flat tyre sorted out or go to Evans Halsha
w and spend in excess of £210+VAT what a bargain.
Oh and the garden rubbish well that's for another day...